Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saved by the cork board...

I am guilty of owning wayyy too many accessories! There needs to be a bracelet, necklace and earring in every color on the spectrum. In this department, I believe in quantity over quality. I don't necessarily splurge on this stuff, but I definitely seem to never get enough. I feel strongly attached these random pieces of junk and they have stayed with me over a long period of time.

From the last big move into our new house, most of this stuff was sitting in boxes, all entangled and hard to find. It took way too much time to dig through these things and I could never find what I was looking for. I finally decided to tackle the box full of necklaces and find an easy/cheap way to organize them.

I was definitely inclined towards a vertical display, something that is easily accessible and most importantly, a fun DIY project. I decided on a 17" x 23 " framed cork board ($4.50) met all my criteria!

I wanted to add a fun element to it, so I grabbed my sharpie and doodled some polka dots, making it an anchor for my pins. I did not worry too much color as I knew that the necklaces would offer that.

filled the dots...

inserted the pins on the dots...

added command strips on the back to adhere it to the wall...and found a perfect location in the closet to put it up!

Now as I pick my outfits, I can find a match right my arm's reach...

This whole project came together in 20 mins and at the end I felt very accomplished! Do you dig?

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